Middle & High School Youth

Every Wednesday Except the Last One of the Month | 6:30-8:00 | M4C Church
Teen Sunday School 9:30-10:15 Every Sunday Morning
6th – 12th graders meet the first 3 Wednesdays of each month, in the gym @ 6:30 pm. It’s an incredible time to enjoy games, food, Bible study and fellowship with other teens and learn more about what it means to follow Jesus!
We believe that the next generation can find their true identity, belonging, and purpose in Jesus Christ and strive to teach and strengthen students as they discover the life God has for them.
Contact us at m4cnextgeneration@gmail.com
Find our youth lessons and NEXT-GEN SHENANIGANS videos Here
Follow our Instagram Account: @m4c_youth_group
Family Resource Library: Click Here
Youth Slideshow (Click on photos for a larger display).